"White Fang", by Jack London

White Fang - Jim Murphy, Jack London

First published in the early 1900, “White Fang” was an immediate success upon its release and throughout the years, generations of young and not so young readers enjoyed passing time getting to know the loveable wild wolfdog. The story is said from the viewpoint of the canine character and takes place in the Yukon Territory during the 1890’s Klondike Gold Rush.

This is a story of survival, trust, mistreatment, love, cruelty and kindness. With a range of emotions the author delved into the animal world and has given White Fang a strong personality with animal instincts. From the time he was born till many years later when he became tamed White Fang experienced domination, terror and love under the hands of three humans who shaped and molded him.

The descriptions are fascinating and very graphic. Some may say it is also quite rough. We are exposed to a lot of cruelty: sharp teeth that bites and bring pain and death, blood pouring out of throats of victims, beatings… etc. All said in the unique narrative of a wolf-dog. I never though this saga dragged, from page one I was captured by White Fang’s struggles through life and rooted for him till the very last page. This story is full of suspense and intrigues and most of all extremely gripping.

I loved this adventure in the wild. Jack London was a master in telling stories I am not surprised that his collection is still cherished and will be for a long time to come.